A huge pack of realistic Street Lights and Telephone Poles in 4K!Compatible with all pipelines. Just change materials to standard and convert.Models are very realistic and optimized low-poly and complete with LOD's. All shared materials in PBR 4K including Albedo, Normal, AO, Metallic, and Roughness textures using PNG format. There are only 3 Materials used across all models. At least 10 objects per shared texture map.Fully Assembled Prefabs:There is a script included for the traffic lights to change from Red/Amber/Green/Arrow, and pedestrian lights from Walk/Stop. There is also a script included to create timers for your intersections!IntersectionLights CornerIntersectionLights SimpleIntersectionLights SingleIntersectionLights Single_wCameraIntersectionLights ThroughTraffic Post (Only Red and Green Lights)TrafficCameraStreetLamp_CityAStreetLamp_CityBStreetLamp_CrossStreetLamp_HighwayStreetLamp_TownAStreetLamp_TownBWiredPole_Quint_SectionWiredPole_Quint_wTransformerWiredPole_Section_OffsetWiredPole_Single_SectionWiredPole_Single_wTransformerWiredPole_Tri_SectionWiredPole_Tri_wTransformerEvery individual piece is included as prefabs for modular creation of your own designs!LOD Triangles :Camera (1698, 858)Camera Brace (368, 219)Concrete Base Large (86, 48)Concrete Base Med (117, 31)Concrete Base Small (106, 47)Concrete Post (1088, 473)Concrete Round (100, 48)Elbow Pole (706, 416)Pedestrian Light (1958, 936)Post Band (134, 102)Steel Post (400, 146)Steel Post Angle (460, 200)Straight Post (1020, 398)Straight Post Short (940, 432)Street LampA (938, 462)Street LampB (1242, 613)Street Lamp Post (2044, 798)Street Light (634, 368)Traffic Light Post (1630, 834)WoodenPost Treated (500, 179)WoodenPost Weathered (660, 172)WireBracing Dual (620, 254)WireBracing Dual Offset (620, 328)WireBracing Single (200, 88)Conductor (850, 342)Conductor Independent (538, 192)Transformer (1572, 744, 211)Wire Cover (380, 76)Wire Hook (692, 186)Wires (504, 150)Wires Excess (156, 86)2 Light Black (1360, 530)3 Border Black (84, 44)3 Border Yellow (84, 66)3 Light Black (2268, 566)3 Light Yellow (2616, 486)4 Border Black (84, 64)4 Border Yellow (84, 60)4 Light Black (2988, 766)4 Light Yellow (3452, 1305)Anchor (228, 116)Bar Cross (354, 214)Bar Dual (194, 114)Bar Single (186, 112)Brace (44, 36)Pole Long (1076, 440)Pole Short (766, 450)Lights Wire Black (464, 291)Lights Wire Yellow (304, 201)