Download and upload any kind of file, of any size. Manage your online files as well.⭐ TRY IT BEFORE BUYING IT ⭐A Demo version of UniUD is available for your evaluation. With this Demo, you can check if UniUD is the solution you are looking for, if it works on your hosting service and if you are able to upload your files and manage files and folders.⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐❖ WHAT UniUD ISUniUD (Unity Upload/Download) is a very simple-to-use system for downloading and uploading files. It also has a file management system for performing various operations on remote files and folders.❖ HOW IT WORKSThe UniUD class is very easy to use and exposes 3 classes:Downloader - the class for downloading files;Uploader - the class for uploading files;FileManager - the class for managing remote files and folders.For downloading files, just declare an instance of the UniUD.Downloader class, use the Add() method for collecting the URLs of the files you want to download (you can define a specific local destination and a new file name for each of them) and, finally, use the Start() method for launching the process. During the download process you can track of what's happening: internet speed, downloaded bytes, percentage of progress, ETA, and so on.The upload process works in the same way: declare an instance of the UniUD.Uploader class, use the Add() method for collecting the local files to upload and, finally, use the Start() method. Even if the PHP configuration limits the size of an uploaded file, UniUD uses a chunked bytes technique for overcoming this limitation: you can upload files of any size!For managing remote files and folders, declare an instance of the UniUD.FileManager class and use the various methods collected inside the Files and Folders classes.Because the Uploader and the FileManager work on your web hosting/server, you have to use the provided UniUDServer.php script. It's a lightweight PHP script you have to place somewhere in your hosting. It's just a script and doesn't require to be installed or launched.All those methods work asynchronously, in parallel tasks. When they're running, they don't stop or pause the functioning of your Unity project!❖ FEATURESDownloader• Download one or more files.• Download files to memory (as bytes array) or a local file (each file can have a specific destination).• Set a new name for each downloaded file.• Use callback functions for catching when the download starts, finishes, is in progress or has an error.• Track everything in the download process: connection speed, downloaded bytes, percentage progress, estimated download time, and so on.Uploader• Upload one or more files.• Upload files anywhere in your web hosting/server.• Set a new name for each uploaded file.• Use callback functions for catching when the upload starts, finishes, is in progress or has an error.• Track everything in the upload process: connection speed, uploaded bytes, percentage progress, estimated upload time, and so on.File Manager• Delete, rename, and move files and folders.• Check if a file or a folder exists.• Get the size of a file or a folder.• List all the files and folders inside a folder and its subfolders.• Create new foldersAll the Unity platforms are supported: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, WebGL, etc.⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐Have a look at the online manual to see what UniUD is able to do!⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐THIRD-PARTY LIBRARIESUniDB Asset uses the Cysharp UniTask library under the MIT License; see "Third-Party Notices.txt", file in the package for details.