This can help mobile game developer quickly integrating high quality vibration effect on both Android and iOS devices.RichTap CoreSDK For Unity* is a vibration integration plug-in for mobile game development that allows game developers to quickly add high-quality vibration effects to their games. Developers can use RichTap Creator Pro desktop visualization tool to create and edit custom vibration effects and add them to the game. They can also directly use the 50 built-in effects in the plugin for quick integration. The add-on also supports real-time preview of vibration effects from ADB connected to an Android phone*, without the need to build and generate apk files.*The minimum version of the plug-in is Android 21 and iOS 10. Versions earlier than Android 26 or iOS 13 May not trigger the vibration effect properly.*It needs to be used with RichTap Creator Android App.Features:Integrating high quality vibration effect on Android and iOS device.Supported OS Version:Android 26+iOS 13+