Universal Settings provides a complete game configuration system that allows adjustments for Display, Graphics, Effects, and Sound, while also offering options to create custom components.🔥 Quick Start in 2 stepsWith just 2 steps, you can have Universal Settings ready to be used however you want.🔥 Fully customizable UIYou can create the UI in any way you like. Universal Settings brings life to Unity's Slider, Toggle, and Dropdown (TextMeshPro or Legacy) components.🔥 Auto saveThe Settings are automatically saved using Unity's PlayerPrefs.🔥 Post-processing and Renderer FeaturesPost-processing effects and any renderer feature can be easily enabled or disabled anywhere that contains a Toggle component.🔥 Quality selectorYou can create as many Settings Profiles as you want, set their default values, and use the Quality Settings Dropdown component to create a quality selector.🔥 Custom configurationsHow about a Toggle that turns blood on/off in the game? Or a Slider to adjust mouse sensitivity while aiming with a weapon? Or a Dropdown to choose which device to use as a microphone? There are no limits to the possibilities with the Custom Boolean Toggle, Custom Float Slider, and Custom Integer Dropdown components.🔥 Audio Mixer volumeIt's possible to control the volume of any AudioMixer using the Audio Mixer Volume Slider component. This way, you give players the control to separately adjust the volume of music, sound effects, voice chat, and more.🔥 23 UI ComponentsQuality Settings DropdownDisplayFps DropdownFullscreen ToggleRefresh Rate DropdownResolution DropdownVsync ToggleGraphicAnti Aliasing DropdownShadow Distance DropdownShadow Mode DropdownShadow Resolution DropdownTexture Resolution DropdownEffectBrightness SliderPost Processing Effect TogglePost Processing ToggleRenderer Feature Toggle (URP only)SoundAudio Mixer Volume SliderMaster Volume SliderCustomCustom Boolean ToggleCustom Float SliderCustom Integer DropdownButtonApply SettingsReset SettingsUndo Settings🐞 Found a bug?Please report to lincolncpp@gmail.com