Pixel Cursor Pack 1 includes 68 various fantasy race cursors. 19 categories with 49 alternate colors or designs at 24x24 pixel size. Includes both individual files and sprite sheet.Pixel Cursor Pack 1: Fantasy Races includes cursors in the style of various fantasy races and creatures. Alternate colors and designs are created and named to give developers some interesting thematic ideas or options.Cursor categories included:- Armor Claw (insects and crustaceans)- Bird Claw- Demon- Dragon- Dwarves- Fae- Feline- Giant Finger- Golem- Greenskins (orcs and goblins)- Knighthoods- Mage- Robot- Skeleton- Vampire (armored, noble, strigoi)- Wing- ZombieExample of different color designs for Fae:- Forest Dryad- Ice Queen- Kelp Mermaid- Flame ImpFuture cursor packs may include a broader range of topics such as reticles, swords, pizza, lolipops, etc.Pixel Armor Pack 1: Medieval and Pixel Ring Pack 1 are now available and more packs are being added to the store!- .png file type for pixel art- sprites are 24x24 px (includes any empty space with zero opacity)- includes individual sprites- includes 240x168 sprite sheetNote: Asset Store has converted .png images to .webp images for Cover and Screenshot display images so assets may appear blurrier in the Store than in the Pack.