Utility functions to help you choose random int/float/enums with greater towards specific values. Create random rays in shapes such as cones and cylinders.Weighted RandomizerRandomize a value from a list, where each value has a weighted chance of being randomly chosen.Have some sort of loot system? Types of loot and treasure often vary wildly in terms of how common or rare they are. With a WeightedRandomizer, you can add all the loot you want to it with how likely you want it to be chosen.Random Int/FloatGet a random int or float, but with more control over desired outcome.Want to randomize damage, but with a focus on a specific number in that range? Say you want to randomize damage between 1-20, but you want 1, 20, and the surrounding numbers to be rare. Just set the value that you want to be the desired value, such as 12, and how strongly you want rolls to be blended towards that value with fine tuned control. Also comes with editor test functions to help you visualize then effects of the blend strength.Rays in ShapesGet one or multiple rays that conform to a shape.Have a shotgun or directed explosion and need a group of random rays? Easy, RandomUltimate comes with functions to get rays that fit in a cone or cylindrical shape. Just pass in information such as origin, direction, angle, and number of rays you want and receive a set of rays with just one line of code.Weighted randomizer to allow you to randomly select between a variety of similarly-typed values with each value having a different desired chance to be randomly selected.Get a random value between two ints/floats, but in a bell curve around a desired value instead of even distribution.Get rays in 3D space that fit into customizable shapes such as cones and skewable, uneven cylinders.