Tower Defense - Dungeon - Low Poly 3D Modular Art includes 106 assets for the world in your game projects such as tower defense, action puzzles, and more.PACKAGE CONTAINS64 Environment Prefabs36 Tile (9 tiles x 4 colors)1 Stairs1 Wall torch7 Dark color stone bricks for architecture (3 pillars, 3 walls, and 1 tunnel)1 Pebble1 Light color stone bricks1 Wooden box6 Plants (spooky tree, pine tree, grass, and 3 mushrooms)2 Barricades (rocks and wooden planks)4 Road (2 stone tiles and 2 wooden plank bridges)2 Portals (stone and wood)2 Walls (light color stone bricks and wood planks)4 Weapon Prefabs1 Cannon Top + 1 Stand1 Crossbow Top + 1 Stand8 Trap Prefabs2 Bombs(tnt and land mine, tnt prefab need to combine with wooden barrel)1 Wooden barrel3 Metal traps (wall spikes, brock spikes, and metal grille)2 Spears (9 of spears for metal grille, and one for crossbow)25 Prop Prefabs2 Ships4 Containers + 2 container doors(red and grey colors for opened and closed containers)6 Towers (3 stone towers and 3 wooden towers)1 Wooden treasure box2 Coins (skull and plain)2 Crystals4 Droids1 Cylinder (This prefab is used with other prefabs to use as illuminant lights in Demos)1 Icosphere for fire effect5 Particle Prefabs5 Explosion and shooting particlesFEATURESThese battlefields are completely modular. These Modular Prefabs are ideal for castle dungeons, forest dungeons, modern puzzle-style arenas, fortress tower systems, and more. It is possible to create worlds of any shape as it is convenient for you.Most prefabs are made of scale in multiple of 3, and it is easy to design and arraign them.ADDITIONAL INFOThe package also includes:7 Demo scenes1 Post-Processing Profile for Demo12 Materials and 1 Color Palette Texture 1024 x 1024*Animation, rigging, music and sounds are not included.*Please install Post Processing from the unity registry in the package manager to show visual effects correctly.*Explosion and shooting visual effects in the demo are not working mockup. (these are concept art for the presentation, no code included)_______________We'd love your feedback!If you find these assets helpful, please rate and review them.If you have any questions or suggestions about the assets, feel free tocontact me. (Available in English and Japanese)CONTACTSContact email: studiopiece.cs@gmail.com