Simple States System is a really simple yet powerful tool that allows you to create states handlers/machines.Simple States System suits any project that requires to manage states and their associated events (OnLeave, OnEnter...). It's extremely easy to use and is highly customizable.It works with only 2 components : 1 required + 1 optionnal.It's compatible with all the pipelines (HDRP, SRP and URP).It works the same with 2D & 3D projects.-- Fully documented with screenshots and step by step setup. --+ Support in French & English by mail / discord.- Unlimited states handlers & Unlimited states- 6 states presets- Polymorphic states list- Custom states in 2 clicks (user created)- A colorful hierarchy- Easy editor navigation- A demo scene- Generated enum entries according to user created states !- Easy code with a lot of handy functions- Safe & Clean Code : Preventing events auto calls etc.