The Stylized Male Business Addon contains a selection of clothing for the Male Base Pack from the Modular Character series.This package was deployed using Built-In. Demo scene lighting may need to be adjusted for clarity if using HDRP. Materials can be updated by the Unity Editor in URP or HDRP (Edit > Rendering).MODULAR SERIES DOCUMENTATION★ This is an AddOn Pack for the Stylized Male Base Pack (version 2.0 and above). The Modular System and base character are not included. The Modular base packs come equipped with a full character creation demo scene, so you don't even have to touch code to start making your prefabs! Simply follow the easy instructions to include this addon in the Stylized Male Base Pack collection of clothing options.★ This asset is free if you already own the Ultimate Stylized Business Men asset! ★If you loved the Ultimate Stylized Business Men asset, then this asset is for you!Clothing and hairstyles from the Ultimate Stylized Business Men asset, ready to use with the Stylized Male Base Pack from Modular Character Series.Free if you already own the Ultimate Stylized Business Men asset.Mix and match with base pack clothing.Adjust body morphs for further customization!This asset is completely plug and play. Just two clicks and you're ready to start creating! No coding necessary.General Features:2048 x 2048 Textures (Albedo, Metal/Roughness, Normal, AO)Compatible with the Stylized Male Base PackIncludes the Following Clothing and Hairstyles:* Triangle count includes skin (e.g. Business Pants tris count includes legs)Business Hairstyle 1 (10 materials, 2098 tris)Business Hairstyle 2 (10 materials, 792 tris)Business Hairstyle 3 (10 materials, 1124 tris)Business Shirt (10 materials, 4022 tris)Business Shirt with Bowtie (shirt: 10 materials; bow: 17 materials, 4308 tris)Business Shirt with Tie (shirt: 10 materials; tie: 17 materials, 4194 tris)Business Shirt with Vest (shirt: 10 materials; vest: 8 materials, 4156 tris)Business Shirt with Bow and Vest (shirt: 10 materials; vest: 8 materials, 4442 tris)Business Shirt with Tie and Vest (shirt: 10 materials; vest: 8 materials, 4214 tris)Business Pants (12 materials, 2576 tris)Closed Suit Jacket (12 materials, 4627 tris)Open Suit Jacket (12 materials, 4620 tris)Casual Shoes (7 materials, 2594 tris)Business Belt (9 materials, 280 tris)