Ambie, the mysterious beings, are there when you notice them. They are a bit goofy.
The eyelids have Blendshapes so you can create blink and snot bubbles from animated clips.PrefabsAmbie with animation- Ambie_B- Ambie_B_Happy- Ambie_DB- Ambie_DB_Happy- Ambie_G- Ambie_G_Happy- Ambie_O- Ambie_O_Happy- Ambie_P- Ambie_P_Happy- Ambie_R- Ambie_R_Happy- Ambie_Y- Ambie_Y_HappyDango with animation- DangoGreenTea with animation- GreenTea - Animation Type :AmbieAmbie01_TPoseAmbie02_IdleAmbie03_WalkAmbie04_RunAmbie05_JumpAmbie06_Sleep120_01Ambie07_Sleep120_02Ambie08_Sleep60Ambie09_Sit120DangoDango01_ScaleDango02_SitDango03_IdleGreenTeaGreenTea01_ScaleGreenTea020_SitGreenTea03_Idle- Demo scene : 3- Minimum polygon count : 3422- Maximum polygon count : 17256- Polygon count of Ambie : 17256- Prefabs : 16- Textures : 25- Texture size : 1024x1024- System requirements : Ver.2019.4.0 or higher