Create responsive UI for your game using two powerful layouts with built-in animations and interactions.flexalon.com | Documentation | DiscordFlexalon UI Layouts is a drop-in replacement for uGUI Layout Groups, which gives you more control and options in building your UI. The layouts are responsive, adapting to the screen size and to the text and images within the layouts.uGUI Horizontal / Vertical Layout Group -> Flexalon Flexible LayoutuGUI Grid Layout Group -> Flexalon Grid LayoutCheck out Flexalon Pro: 3D & UI Layouts to get more layouts, including circles, curves, shapes, and more.Design with SuperpowersIn addition to layouts, Flexalon provides powerful built-in Animators and Interactables, enabling you to create a UI with smooth interactions such as reordering lists and drag-and-drop between layouts.NOT A New UI FrameworkFlexalon extends the built-in uGUI framework. Flexalon won’t break your existing workflow, and does not have any dependencies. Flexalon only edits objects that have Flexalon Layout Components attached.=== FEATURES ===Flexalon ObjectsSizing: Precisely control width, height, and depth of objects.Fill & Shrink: Automatically size objects and layouts to fit the available space.Min / Max: restrict the size for objects and layouts.Margins and padding: Add empty space around objects and inside layouts.LayoutsFlexible Layout: Stack children linearly along the x, y, or z axis, with optional wrapping, alignment, gaps, and shrinking. Think CSS Flexbox in 3D.3D Grid Layout: Arrange objects in evenly spaced rows, columns, and layers with rectangular or hexagonal cells.Check out Flexalon Pro: 3D & UI Layouts to get more layouts, including circles, curves, shapes, and more.AnimatorsCurve Animator: Animate objects between layout positions with an adjustable animation curve.Lerp Animator: Animate objects between layout positions using linear interpolation.Click and DragFlexalon Interactable: Add click and drag interactions, allowing users to add, remove, and rearrange objects in layouts.Data BindingCloner: Automatically generate objects based on a data sourceData Binding: Implement an interface to update UI from a data model.C# Scripts Included.Supported Unity Versions: 2019.4 or higher.Supported Platforms: AllFor support or to report bugs:DocumentationDiscordsupport@virtualmaker.net