A collection of moves seen at a nightclub or party! Where the music is happening and all are dancing and having a good time. High-energy dance or chilling on the sidelines while grooving to the beat.A collection of moves seen at a nightclub or party! Where the music is happening and everyone is dancing and having a good time. Featuring animations of high energy on the dance floor or chilling on the sidelines while grooving to the beat and having a conversation, and everything in between.People hanging out quietly.Getting into it more and moving around a bit.Dancing and jamming with one or two hands in the air.All the way up to cutting loose and jumping around freestyle.Each animation is approximately 30 seconds in length, adding up to a combined 9 minutes of unique animation. All of them are perfect Loops and will repeat seamlessly.At a tempo of 120 beats per minute, one second of animation equals 2 beats, making it easy to mix and match having them all synchronized and dancing together, creating a seamless sea of dancers.These are not professional dance moves, just regular folks having a great time at a party!Many of the moves with hand gestures are having a conversation at the same time.Video PREVIEW - Dance Party HIGHLIGHT VideoAnimation LIST - Dance Party Animation List**NEW! MCO 3D Animation Viewer: Dance Party Animation PLAYER18 ANIMATIONS - 5 LOW KEY AND CONVERSATION, 5 MEDIUM ENERGY, 4 VARIOUS HANDS IN AIR, 4 HIGH ENERGY AND FREESTYLEIncludes documents with Tips on Avatars and Avatar Adjustments.Mocap Online - Unity Animation NotesMotusMan_V55 Skeleton and AvatarAll animations set as Humanoid.Animations provided on MotusManv55 skeleton using standard FBX bone names.Latest Update: V-2.0 New Release!All Animations included as Reference Root MotionAll animations at 120 BPM (Beats per Minute)All animations are perfect seamless Loops.Each animation is approximately 30 seconds in length, totaling 9 minutes of unique animation.Careful placement and offsetting the start time of each animation can easily create a sea of dancers with no obvious duplicates. (see highlight videos)Includes animation assets ONLY! MotusMan and MotusWoman characters are also included. Does not include any other objects or environments seen in the videos.