Health_Mana_Status Icon GUI.
All images are in PNG format.
5 Items x 7 colors x 2 StyleHealth_Mana_Status Icon GUI.Gauge type HP, icon type HP, MP, mana, skill board, etc.A set of convenient icons for creating various status UIs.If you slice the gauge into 9 slices, you can freely manipulate the length.All images are in PNG format.5 Items x 7 colors x 2 Style = 70 pngAbout Size : 360 x 360px■7 Colors・Red・Blue・Yellow・Purple・Green・White・Black■5 Items・Heart / Health / HP / Life・Cross Star / Shuriken / Rhombus / Glitter・Circle / Sphere / Mana / Oxygen / MP / Skill Point・Diamonds / Jewels / Treasures・Gauge / Bar■2 Style・Flat・Inflated■■■ In addition, the following assets also have strong synergies. ■■■■Element Iconshttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/element-icons-237340■2D_Charactor_Herohttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/2d-charactor-hero-241449?locale=ja-JP■2D_PlatformGameBackground_Plains_Forest_TypeCartoonhttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/environments/2d-platformgamebackground-plains-forest-typecartoon-242642■2D_MonsterCharactor_Slimehttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/2d-monstercharactor-slime-241446