2D Skeleton Executioner - Isometric PixelArt Character
PixelArt Studio
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★ Ready for use in your game ★Unity 2019+★ ASSET PROFIT ★• Animations: Each animation in 8 directions. Animation events, like 'Hit', 'Shoot', 'FootStepR', etc for many animations.• AnimatorController: You can easily control directions using parameters "Horizontal", "Vertical" in AnimatorController (used BlendTree).Each loop animation has own parameter to control loop duration.• Textures: Each spritesheet is Power of Two size. Avarage character size is 64x64, avarage spriteSheet size is 128x256, 256x256.Also we added normalMap for each spritesheet, if you don't use them - just delete normalMap textures. (NormalMaps added in SpriteEditor in SecondayTextures)Demo scene contains example how to control character rotation, loop parameters.Watch the video to get a detailed view of monster and animations.32 Animations totalAnimations list:- 8 Attack- 4 Throw- 1 Idle- 2 Walk- 1 Run- 1 Stunned- 1 GetHit- 2 Death- 1 Boost- 1 Block- 2 Buff- 1 CastAoe- 1 CastHand- 1 Jump- 1 KnockDown- 1 Getup- 1 Special- 2 Summon