Rectangular building with circular stained glass window.A rectangular building with marble walls, decorated with two circular stained glass windows, and curved glass roof supported with metal frames. You can place anything you want in the building.custom double sided transparent shader for glass.Roof Metal frame meshes are separated, so distance can be adjusted freely.STAINED GLASS + BUILDINGTotal Polycount: 4400 TrianglesRoof FrameAlbedo PNG Texture: 512 x 512Roof WallPNG Texture: 2048 x 2048(Albedo and Specular)WallPNG Texture: 2048 x 2048(Albedo and Specular)SGWindow and SGWindow Frame share same set of textures,except SGWindow Frame uses unity's standard specular shader, and SGWindow uses custom double sided transparent shader.PNG Texture: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, and Specular)