Login & Register Integration for Game Launcher.
You require the Game Launcher | Game Launcher PRO assetGame Launcher is the Ultimate Solution to manage the updates of your game or app by creating patches using the Binary Diff technique.This package is an Integration for Game LauncherYou require the Game Launcher | Game Launcher PRO assetLinks| Website | Basic Version | Pro Version | Enterprise (Q3 2023) | Video | Documentation || Download Demo | Discord (Support) | Forum |Contact carlosarturors@gmail.com▽ Features ▽● Login & RegisterAllows users to create an account on the app and log in securely. Users can register by providing basic information like email, and password, and then use those credentials to log in whenever they want.● Recover PasswordAllows users to reset their password if they forget it. Users can enter their email address associated with their account and receive a recovery code to reset change his password.● Change PasswordAllows users to change their password after logging in. Users can do this for security reasons, or just because they want to update their login information.● Google Login/RegisterAllows users to log in to the app using their Google account. It saves them time and effort by eliminating the need to create a new account or remember multiple login credentials.This Integration was created with WPF which is only compatible with Windows.Links| Website | Pro Version | Enterprise (Soon) | Video | Documentation || Download Demo | Discord | Forum |Do you require a custom launcher Features/UI for your app?Please contact me on: carlosarturors@gmail.comStarting from $200 USD (Fixed price) + $20 USD per hourAsset uses third party components under his respectives licenses; see Third-Party Notices.txt in package for details.