RPG characters with unique artistic style with Spine animationThis is a game character that includes complete PSD images and Spine animations. Currently, we only have 2 animations, one Idle and one RunWe will add more animations.Will our characters form a complete group?Of course, this is necessary, and we are doing it now. We will create more characters for this style.Our official website:https://www.medievalcartoonpainter.onlineWe are happy to chat with you.Be Careful:The Spine SDK plugin needs to be installed for operation, and the plugin address is: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/tree/4.1/spine-unity This is open source and free. Please install it yourself.Disclaimer: "You need to purchase Spine software for commercial purposes in order to edit and use the Spine source files of this asset for commercial purposes"2 Spine animations1 PSD source file and sprites1 demo file can play the animation normallyIncluding 1 shader, atlas, and png texture