Have Ideas or Suggestions for Future Packs? Need Support?DISCORDTitanForge brings you -LOW POLY - Weapons CopperA stylistic Low Poly Weapons pack, with Daggers, Swords, Longswords, Greatswords, Battleaxes, Greataxes, Maces, Greatmaces, Warhammers, Greathammers, Spears, Halberds, Shields, Kiteshields, Knives, Hammers, Axes, Pickaxes, and Shovels!This pack is perfect for arming your players and enemies with medieval weaponry and tools. It also has all the models you need for medieval or fantasy fighting skills.Looking for all things Blacksmithing for the metals and forges to smith these weapons?LOW POLY - Blacksmithing Pack is made just for that!This Pack Includes:19 different Models of stylistic weapons and tools76 Prefabs ready to go into your gameShaders that allow you to customize the color of Metal, Stone, Wood, Leather, and Cloth to whatever you like, and change Dark and Light values, as well as how Metallic the metal isURP support for URP 10.5+Models have an average of just 150 to 350 polygons, most in the 200'sPreset Colored Materials as well as Materials ready for you to customize!Atlased TexturesPractically Infinite Color Combinations!Best of all, there will be more to come in the future!If you enjoy LOW POLY - Weapons Copper Pack, please leave a review to let others know.You may also like these other Low Poly Assets from TitanForge!LOW POLY - Weapons Stone PackLOW POLY - Weapons Bronze PackLOW POLY - Weapons Iron PackLOW POLY - Weapons Steel PackIf you have any suggestions or ideas for future releases and updates, please join the discord and let us know!Follow for Previews and Announcements:DISCORD | FACEBOOK