This is a useful plugin that scales an object to your custom size.
No analogs at the moment.About :This plugin changes the object to the size of the 3D container (which you can specify).It is needed for scaling 3-D object under a certain cube area without changing the proportions of the object.Applied: in an overview scene, when the scale of the object is not known beforehand, when two objects of different size should occupy the same placeAt the moment it can:Enlarge an object.Reduce an object.Child objects are taken into account.Text is taken into account ( and TM_PRO).P.S.Our team releases only high-quality products that have been tested on real games. If you have any questions, please email us, we will be glad to help you.Enlarge an object.Reduce an object.Child objects are taken into account.Text is taken into account ( and TM_PRO)