Inspired by the music of Elder Scrolls, Elden Ring, and The Witcher 3. Enjoy over 4 hours of thematic melodies, ambient stillness, raging drums, and cryptic harmonies bringing your game to life.**All Tracks Are YouTube Safe!**Official Nominee for Best Artistic Content at the 15th Unity AwardsMULTI-PACK BUNDLEThis bundle includes the following music packs:Dungeons - Fantasy Action RPG MusicBattles - Fantasy Action RPG MusicExploration - Fantasy Action RPG MusicMenus - Fantasy Action RPG MusicOwners of either of these packs can upgrade to this one at a discounted price!TRACKLIST:(LOOP = Loopable; Alt = Alternate Version; Underscore = No Melody)Menus:Chosen One LOOPChosen OneDeplasa Pe LOOPDeplasa PeFinal Stance LOOPFinal Stance Underscore LOOPFinal Stance UnderscoreFinal StanceGuild of Adventurers 30 secGuild of Adventurers 60 secGuild of Adventurers Drums OnlyGuild of Adventurers UnderscoreGuild of AdventurersLand of Heroes Alt 2 Drums Only LOOPLand of Heroes Alt 2 LOOPLand of Heroes Alt 2Land of Heroes Alt LOOPLand of Heroes AltLand of Heroes Intro LOOPLand of Heroes IntroLand of Heroes LOOPLand of HeroesQuiet Solitude LOOPSHORT Action #1 LOOPSHORT Action #2 LOOPSHORT Action #2 No Drums LOOPSHORT Action #2 No Strings LOOPSHORT Action #3 LOOPSHORT Action #4 LOOPSHORT Action #4 No Choir LOOPSHORT Action #5 LOOPSHORT Action #6 LOOPSHORT Peaceful #1 LOOPSHORT Peaceful #2 LOOPSHORT Peaceful #3 LOOPSHORT Peaceful #4 LOOPSHORT Peaceful #5 LOOPWonders And Mysteries AltWonders And Mysteries LOOPWonders And MysteriesExploration:A Bard’s Tale LOOPA Forgotten People LOOPFields of Grain LOOPFields of Grain Piano Alt Underscore LOOPFields of Grain Piano LOOPFields of Grain PianoFields of GrainFoggy Meadows Alt LOOPFoggy Meadows AltFoggy Meadows LOOPFoggy MeadowsKingdoms And Valleys LOOPKingdoms And ValleysMidnight Stillness LOOPMidnight StillnessNorthern Village LOOPNorthern VillagePeaceful Autumn Morning LOOPPeaceful Autumn Morning With Fire FX LOOPPeaceful Autumn MorningThe Wizard’s Guild LOOPTownsfolk LOOPBattles:Against The WindsAgainst The Winds LOOPAgainst The Winds No DrumsAgainst The Winds No Drums LOOPBigger ProblemsBigger Problems LOOPDeath From Above LOOPDefending The KingdomDefending The Kingdom LOOPDemon’s LairDemon’s Lair LOOPDemon’s Lair Drums OnlyDemon’s Lair Drums Only LOOPDemon’s Lair No DrumsDemon’s Lair No Drums LOOPDuelDuel LOOPDuel Drums OnlyDuel Drums Only LOOPPillagePillage LOOPPillage Drums OnlyPillage Drums Only LOOPRitualsRituals LOOPRituals Drums OnlyRituals Drums Only LOOPSide Quest BattleSide Quest Battle LOOPUnknown CreaturesUnknown Creatures LOOPDungeons:(Mood - Title - Loopable)Dark - Into The CatacombsDark - Into The Catacombs - LOOPDark - Underground SacrificeDark - Underground Sacrifice - LOOPLight - Misty MorningsLight - Misty Mornings - LOOPDark - Mental ObsessionsDark - Mental Obsessions - LOOPDark - Reverse PsychologyDark - Reverse Psychology - LOOPNeutral/Dark - The Forgotten VillageNeutral/Dark - The Forgotten Village - LOOPNeutral - Exploring The Ancient TempleNeutral - Exploring The Ancient Temple - LOOPNeutral - Bamboo Tunnel RiverNeutral - Bamboo Tunnel River - LOOPNeutral/Dark - The Merchant’s CaveNeutral/Dark - The Merchant’s Cave - LOOPLight - Refuge Amongst Us - LOOPCues:#1 Alt 2#1 Alt#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8 Alt#8#9#10a#10b#10c#11a#11b#11c#12a Cave Horn#12b Cave Horn#13a Horn Call No Drums#13a Horn Call#13b Horn Call No Drums#13b Horn Call#13c Horn Call#14#15 Dark Strings Swell**All Tracks Are YouTube Safe!**INTENDED GENREWhile this pack was created with Fantasy Action RPGs in mind, the tracks and cues can also be suitable for JRPGs, MMORPGs, and a wide variety of action/adventure and strategy games.HIGH-QUALITY MUSICEach track was composed and produced using top industry-standard software found in professional studios around the world, many of which feature live instruments recorded by professional musicians. You'll get a polished, professional sound that will take your game to the next level.INSPIRED BY THE GREATSThese tracks were inspired by the music of Elder Scrolls, Elden Ring, and The Witcher 3. Bring that same vein of inspiration into your game.Learn more about Jacob at www.jacoblivesmusic.comAttributions:Album Artwork by Nick LivesLeather Texture by Felipe Santana on UnsplashMetal Texture by Annie Spratt on Unsplash139 original stereo WAV tracks (16-bit / 44.1kHz)67 music loops4 hours, 28 minutes, and 14 seconds of music and cues