Male character voice over for adventure/fantasy/RPG type games, featuring Darren Bowyer-Warner, professional voice actor.This voice pack includes over 600 recordings of different words/phrases and unusual reactions in a voice pack (list below) for a single character idealy a wizard or warrior in an adventure game.Categories :Attack x31Being Burnt x 20Being Hurt x 32 (Badly/Hard/Soft)Breath x 6Brethless/Gasping x12Celebration x11(Hourrah/Wouh/Yeah/Yes)Chewing/Gargle x9Clear Throat/Swallow x19Climbing x13Coughing x 17Crying/Whimpering x 15Dying x23(Long/Medium/Short)Freezing x14Generic Magic phrases x17 (AbraCadabra/Alakazam/AlisPropiisVolat/AmorOmniaVincit/AudereEstFacereSalve/CarpeNoctem/ExNihilo/HocusPocus/SampereFidelis/ItinamNellumMumquam)Generic Reactions x27 (Afraid/Disagree/Moaning/Mocking/NotSure/Pleased/Really/Surprised/Thinking/Tired/Understand)Giggle x10Grunt x22Hiccupx14Jump/Dodge/Roll x39Laughing x 13Lifting x 15Losing Balance x 14Mumbling/Grumpy x 35 (Bored/Low/Psssss/Surprised)Onomatopea x 12 (Ah/Hum/Oh)Power Attack x 17Raspberry x15 (Long/Short)Shush x7 (Long/Short)Sigh x8Slip/Slurp x 11Smack x 15Sniffing x 8Snoring x 23 (Long/Short)Spit x 13Vomiting/ill x7Whistling x 17Zombie x 52 (Attack/Breath/Gnarling/Moaning/MouthNoises/Seeking/Struggling)Technical Details:Number of Audio Waves: 600+Sample rate / bit rate: 48,000 Hz / 24-bitDo Sound FX loop: NoMinutes of audio provided: 12:00+additional : MonoTags: Fantasy, Magic, Adventure, Wizards, Spells, Quests, RPG, Medieval, Epic, Battle, Heroes, Enchantment, Sorcery, Sound Effect, Voice Over, MaleNeed custom made sounds? graftone@gmx.com