Stylized Handpainted Cartoon Textures pack - PBR Material assetSet for 10 stylized tileable materials. All textures are hand painted 2K PNG files.All materials consist of textures of Color, Roughness and Normal map, and AO and Bump textures added where it is reasonable.Please contact me if you have any questions: oscritta@gmail.comEvery texture is seamless and tileable in all directions, game-ready, suitable for real-time render, AR and VR.brick (2048x2048)roof tile (2048x2048)wooden planks (2048x2048)wooden plane (1024x1024)floor marble tile (2048x2048)wall \ floor stone blocks (2048x2048)wall plaster (1024x1024)grass (2048x2048)soil/ground (2048x2048)sand (2048x2048)