Yehliu Geopark's Queen's Head and surrounding environment in Taiwan. Great for tourism, environmental, and educational projects.A rectangular land and water plane, with Yehliu Queen's Head as the center of interest, and decorated with some surrounding rocks, bridge and lights.Also Include:1 Queen's Head weathering effect blendshape animation1 timeline animation of scene time change from day to night effect.Rocks are separated meshes that can move freely2 custom shaders for moving sea water and skybox blending effectLights and emission can be adjusted freelyuse post processing for lighting effects.Queen's Head + Ground:Polycount: 7820 TrianglesMesh does not have bottom facesPNG Texture: 4096 x 4096(Albedo, AO, Normal, and Specular)Queen's head and land are one mesh.1 blendshape weathering animation used 2 different meshes.Bridge:Polycount: 448 TrianglesMesh does not have bottom facesPNG Texture: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, Normal, and Specular)Light APolycount: 304 TrianglesLight BPolycount: 648 TrianglesMesh does not have bottom facesLight A and Light B share same texture setPNG Texture: 1024 x 1024(Albedo, Normal, Specular, Emission and AO)Big Rocks:Rock A Polycount: 568 TrianglesRock B Polycount: 340 TrianglesRock C Polycount: 430 TrianglesRock D Polycount: 558 TrianglesRock E Polycount: 482 TrianglesMeshes do not have bottom facesPNG Texture: 2048 x 2048(Albedo, AO, Normal, and Specular)Small Rocks:Small Rock A Polycount: 456 TrianglesMesh does not have bottom facesSmall Rock B Polycount: 502 TrianglesSmall Rock C Polycount: 589 TrianglesMesh does not have bottom facesPNG Texture:Albedo: 1024 x 1024Normal & Specular: 512 x 512Day/Night Water:Use default Unity 3d Plane Mesh1 Normal PNG Texture: 1024 x 1024use custom moving water shader (QueensHead_Water)2 materials for day (QueensHead_WaterDay) and night time (QueensHead_WaterNight)Skybox3 image files for day, afternoon and nightHDR image: 4096x2048Edited from original image by Poly Haven (https://polyhaven.com/) with CC0 Licenseuse custom skybox blending shader (QueensHead_SkyboxBlend)