A low poly asset pack of drinks and foods.
18 items with pbr maps. 4350 polys total.A low poly asset pack of drinks and foods.18 items with pbr maps. 4350 polys total.Energy drink bottle 630 polysWater bottle 378 polysBottle of wine 252 polysMilk box 102 polysOrange juice box 102 polysPork&Beans can 540 polysSardines can 220 polysSoup can 540 polysSoda can 234 polysTuna fish can 540 polysChocolate 10 polysChocolate wrap 6 polysPeanut butter jar 378 polysMRE package 118 polysSalty crackers package 50 polysSugar crackers package 50 polysPotato chips package 156 polysChocolate bar package 44 polysAll items in pack has 4 maps in 2k resolution.Base color, Normal, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion