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Custom auction for uMMORPG REMASTERED
- Auction and create auction interface.
- Tree view to search by category.
- Bid, outbid, buyout, timed auction.
- Browse, My offer, My bids, Ended.
- Sell your ingame item at auction.
- Create auction for days, at opening bid.
- Can use a buy it now price. For immediate sale.
- Search field to search auction by partial item name.
- Level min/max to search auction by item level.
- Order list by name, quantity, value, bid, buyout, bids, time left.
- Listing by pages.
- Setup max auction/player bid/player win storage quantity.
- Can extend auction time when bid in last minutes.
Build with Unity 2021.3.9f1 and uMMORPG REMASTERED 2.39