Motion-Matching Controller Integration - Game Creator 1 and 2
Threepeat Games
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Integrate all of our Motion-Matching Controllers with Game Creator 1! Includes everything you need to use MMLC locomotion and MMPC parkour with Game Creator 1 and Game Creator 2Integrate all of our Motion-Matching Controllers with Game Creator! Includes everything you need to use MMLC locomotion and MMPC parkour with Game Creator 1 and Game Creator 2. Game Creator 2 support has landed!This asset requires MMLC (asset page) and can't work without it.This asset requires Game Creator 1 OR Game Creator 2, not both!This asset supports BOTH Game Creator 1 and Game Creator 2 (although not simultaneously in the same unity project).READ BEFORE BUYING:Before buying this asset, make sure you've watched the installation/setup videos and read the docs for Motion-Matching Locomotion Controller (MMLC) and MxM. Motion-matching is complex/challenging to implement and add to your projects, and while MMLC makes that significantly easier and more automated, this is still an integration that requires work/effort to use. Please be sure you understand that level of effort (or ask on our discord) before purchasing!While all features listed below are fully functional, MMLC is in Beta and still in active development. The discord is very active (link below), and if you run into issues or would like to request addtional actions, conditions, triggers, or other functionality, please reach out for help/resolution there.Read the Release Notes for known issues.This asset contains the following for Game Creator (GC) 1 and 2:Automatic configuration and setup of all of our Motion-Matching controllers with GC via our Config Wizard, which also includes optional one-click integration with Final IK and Strider.All actions/instructions, triggers, and conditions needed to switch between our controllers and GC or use both simultaneously with Avatar MasksGC1 Examples demonstrating use with GC1 core, melee, shooter, and traversal modulesGC2 Examples demonstrating use with MMLC and also MMC Parkour.This asset is in active development, with more features to be added periodically based both on planned additions and user feedback (see Discord link below to give feedback)!MMLC Documentation: https://threepeatgames.com/mmc_locomotionMMLC Game Creator 1 Plugin Documentation: https://www.threepeatgames.com/mmc_gc1/For support and requests, use our Discord or email threepeatgames@gmail.com.