Simple Arcade Plane (Flying, Audio, Shoots)
Must Eat Oreo Shakes
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Flying plane with third person controller (Mouse or Keyboard controlled). The plane has a simple arcade-like physics behaviour. It can shoot, bullets have bloom and particles. It has realistic audio.Was $30.00, now $14.99 (Until 7 August)! Make sure you have Unity Particle Pack Package installed !Features:Intuitive third person Camera controls. It can be aimed with either the mouse or the keyboard (S,W - pitch; A,D - roll, E,Q - yaw). If you move the crosshair to a position, the plane will adjust to point towards that direction. (Shift and Ctrl in order to control the throttle)Working suspension for each of the three wheels (with tunable parameters, like friction, stiffness, damping etc.)Audio. The engine changes sound based on thrust, and propeller sound changes based on the speed of the plane. The cannons have sound effects for shooting and for bullet impacts.Particle VFX. When a bullet hits the terrain a dust explosion is spawned. Muzzle flash when firing.Working flaps that move in a realstic wayShoots. It has 4 cannons, you can change the spreadRealistic Bullet Dropoff (As seen in the last image) (you can edit the gravity of the bullets)Bloom and Motion Blur VFX are applied.Simple materials with no textures (Can be modified to whatever color you like)Modifiable parameters like Fire Rate, turning Speed, acceleration, Air Drag, Rpm.This asset uses cinemachine freelook camera.This asset uses postprocessing for bloom and motion blur.This asset uses textmeshpro for the text on screen.Polygon count: 39.9kNumber of meshes: 1Types of materials: simple