Pixel Armor Pack 1 includes 10 Medieval style armors with 47 alternate colors (57 total icons) at 32x32 size. Includes both individual files and sprite sheet.Pixel Armor Pack 1: Medieval includes armor tropes from the medieval era. Color designs are created and named to give developers some interesting thematic ideas or options.Armor types included:- Padded Gambeson- Leather- Hide and Fur- Ring Mail- Breastplate- Chain Mail- Lamellar- Scale Mail- Platemail- BrigandineExample of different color designs for Platemail:- Black Knight- Cavalier- Demon Blooded- Holy Paladin- Nemesis- Ancient CityOther Armor packs currently in progress include Cultural Armors (Roman Centurian, Samurai, Rajput, etc) and Exotic RPG Armors (Priest Robes, Wizards and Druids, Bards, etc).- .png file type for pixel art- sprites are 32x32 px (includes any empty space with zero opacity)- includes individual sprites- includes 256x256 sprite sheetNote: Asset Store has converted .png images to .webp images for Cover and Screenshot display images so assets may appear blurrier in the Store than in the Pack.