MIS-Swimming is a custom add-on for Invector that runs based on Middleware For Invector Template (MIS).✅ The shaders provided by the MIS packages are Built-In based and use the Standard or Amplify Shader Editor. MIS does not responsible for the quality and compatible SRP.⭐INVECTOR THIRD PERSON TEMPLATE v2.6.4b+ REQUIRED⭐⭐Middleware For Invector Template v2.7.14+ REQUIRED⭐⭐Crest Ocean System OPTIONAL⭐⭐Crest Ocean System for Built-In is FREE⭐⭐MIS-LockOn v1.2.10+ OPTIONAL⭐Invector Template (Invector) which is one of the best controllers can be upgraded with MIS and MIS Packages. If you are not familar with MIS yet, please watch this MIS v2 Quick Setup Guide.MS-Swimming integrates Invector Templates with almost all features of the Crest Ocean System. It provides a very smooth and natural swimming action. Upgrade your game to the next level.Demo Water Plants: Yughues Underwater Plants v.2⭐Key Benefits⭐✅ Provides All-In-One Setup (Invector/MIS add-ons)✅ Very smooth swimming experience with Crest✅ Above Water Swimmng MovementWRotates and moves horizontally in camera directionMoves along the water surface when Crest appliedIf the Crest wave speed is fast, you can leave the surfaceA/DRotate left/right and move horizontally in the direction perpendicular to the cameraSAfter rotating 180 degrees with the camera, move horizontally to the front of the characterLeft SHIFT (while holding down)Sprint✅ Under Water Swimmng MovementW w/wo A/DMoves towards the cameraSAfter rotating 180 degrees with the camera, move horizontally to the front of the characterA/DOnly rotates at spot✅ Vertical Swimming MovementLeft CTRLDives verticallyWASD disabled during this actionSpaceRises in vertical direction (end when you release the space key or reach the surface)WASD disabled during this action✅ Swimming DashWorks in vertical up/down and normal swimming modeProvides UseContinuousDash optionWhen the Swim Dash is executed, it moves immediately in that directionSwim Dash directionCamera/Character/Move Input direction✅ Diving JumpUses vGenericActionPlace triggers where the game situation requires them1 Diving Jump animation provided✅ Diving Above WaterForced swimming in water above a certain depth✅ Water RegistanceDepending on the entry speed into the water, the character's entry depth is adjusted✅ Provides 3 types of vThirdPersonCamera statesSwim Idle, Swim Above Water, Swim Under Water✅ Weapon Lock optionNone, Swim Move, Always✅ Water Trigger TypesTriggerChecks water condition by Trigger collisionWhen not using Crest wave or using a calm waveWater Surface LevelTrigger is not requiredWhen using a strong Crest waveHas small restriction on Water Walk feature✅ Each swimming action speedSmooth speed transitions according to swimming actionNormal, Up, Down, Rotate, Sprint, Swim Dash✅ StaminaSprint, Dash✅ Water Walk (Melee/Shooter characters only)Rotation and movement speed control according to water depth✅ OxygenApplied in Under WaterDrowning when given oxygen is depletedBreath Sound EffectBreathing sound according to the amount of oxygen remaining when coming to the surfaceDead GravityWhen a character dies underwater, it floats to the surface or sinks to the ground depending on the gravity✅ CombatSupports Invector Melee/Shooter combatProvides Shooter Swimming IK Adjust and editorCannot shoot during Vertical Up/DownProvides simple demo fish flock system and a Great White Shark✅ vGenericActionAvailable in water✅ mvLadderActionAvailable in water✅ mvRagdollWaterResistanceApplies a water resistance effect so that it sinks slowly when ragdolled in water✅ ColliderAdjusts the collider direction according to the swim action✅ FXSwim Water SplashWater splashes from legs when swimming at the water surfaceDiving Water SplashAdjust splash size based on water entry speedMouth BubblesOnly in the underwater.Depending on the amount of oxygen remaining, three bubble sound effects are played, and the amount emitted and the sound volume increase.Swim Dash ShockwaveWater AmbientAbove/Under water sounds mixing✅ Crest Water DisplacementPositioning according to the height of the Crest waveThe larger and faster the wave, the more Crest displacement and shader error occurs✅ Crest Water FlowChanges character position according to Crest water flowA flow that is too strong will make your character unable to move✅ Crest Water InteractionBody, Hands, FeetEach Idle/Swim mode✅ Provides demo fish flock system and Great White Shark✅ Included 30 animation clips✅ Provides chained-action between Invector/MIS add-ons- Refer to the MIS Document✅ Does not modify Invector core✅ All MIS packages runs on a feature-based basis⭐Quick Setup Sequence⭐#1 INVECTOR#2 MIS#3 Crest Ocean System (Optional)#4 MIS-LockOn (Optional)#5 MIS-Swimming⭐Precautions⭐✅ No refund allowed after downloading✅ Demo water plants are not included.⭐Contact Information⭐✅ Email: mymobilin@gmail.com✅ Only officially supports for the latest Invector Template✅ Only officially supports for the Third-Person mode✅ Only officially supports for Humanoid characters✅ Required Unity Editor 2018.3+✅ Required .NET 4.x✅ MIS-Swimming with Crest does not require a trigger for judging water contact. However, MIS recommends to use it.