Set of detailed lowpoly PBR drill bits for metal, wood and concrete drilling. Each comes in five different lengths and two material variants (steel and titanium).Model and texture assets are compatible with built-in Standard material shader and convertible into HDRP material shader.This package contains a wide range of different detailed drill bit meshes (for concrete / metal / wood drilling) in FBX format, using URP PBR (specular and metalness) materials, high resolution textures (4096 x 4096 pixels) – Albedo, Ambient Oclussion, Smoothness, Specular, Metalness and Normal map, ready for any desired downscaling. Each drill bit comes in five different lengths and metal and titanium color variant.Perfect for any workshop interior cluttering or technical visualisations.All set up for Universal Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (models and textures are backward compatible with Standard shader or convertible into HDRP).Check it out now in WebGL preview!25 drill bit textures (4096 x 4096 pixels)Albedo (specular workflow)Albedo (metalness workflow)Ambient OclussionSmoothnessSpecularMetalnessNormal15 drill bit meshes (UV mapped) in five lengths in FBX formatconcrete (2424 / 4216 / 6008 / 7800 /9592 triangles)metal (722 / 1042 / 1362 / 1682 / 2002 triangles)wood (672 / 992 / 1312 / 1632 / 1952 triangles)6 URP PBR (specular and metalness) materials56 drill bit prefabs (28 for specular, 28 for metalness workflow)1 preview scene with camera orbit script and related utility filesAll set up for Universal Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (models and textures are backward compatible with Standard shader or convertible into HDRP).