Cubical Goat and Sheep PackGoat and Sheep - rigged models a+ animationsFix pink materials videoGoat x2, Sheep x2:idleidle variationwalk forwardwalk forward root motionwalk backwardwalk backward root motiontrot forwardtrot forward root motionrun forwardrun forward root motioneatingattackturn left 90 root motionturn right 90 root motionshuffle leftshuffle rightstand to sitsit to standhit reactiondeatheyes blink (additive)Test scene key binds ( D, A, W, S , 1 , 2 , 3, 4)*Goat and Sheep share the same fbx, skeleton and animations**Script and animation controller were created just for presentation purpose*Number of textures: oneTexture dimensions: 1024x1024Polygon count of each model: Minimum polygon count: 536 TrisMaximum polygon count: 748 TrisNumber of meshes/prefabs: 2 meshes/5 prefabsRigging: YesAnimation count: 21Animation type list: In Place and Root MotionUV mapping: Yes/NoLOD information one