This asset will allow you to quickly create your own landscape and texture it easily.Models are optimized for gaming.The constructor was created taking into account the element spacing of 0.1 meters, which allows you to connect objects perfectly and quickly.Supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and can be upgraded to High-DefinitionRender Pipeline (HDRP).Instructions on how to upgrade our assets to URP or HDRP on our website:Instructions for upgrading our projects to URP in UnityInstructions for upgrading our projects to HDRP in Unityor on our YouTube channel:Built in to URPBuilt in to HDRPIf you have any additional questions, you can always write to us at the email address: 3dinfinityart@gmail.comAll objects have adjusted normals, geometry, which provides a seamless connection of all objects and in combination with tileble textures allows you to create landscapes of unlimited sizes and without seams.The total number of objects (prefabs): 118This package contains:1) Models:18 Rocks_2M (962 - 3762 tris).18 Rocks_3M (962 - 3966 tris).9 Rocks_4M (1090 - 2290 tris).9 Rocks_5M (1090 - 2290 tris).9 Rocks_6M (1090 - 2290 tris).9 Rocks_Fly_8M (1257 - 2552 tris).4 Rocks_Transitional (962 - 1284 tris).17 River_Bank (962 - 5868 tris).6 Ground_Object (3912 - 6712 tris).5 Ground_Bottom (8 - 128 tris).11 Water (2 - 118 tris).2 Demo_Object.1 Demo_Shaders.2) Textures:1 Stone atlas textures (Diffuse Map + Normal Map) - resolution 4096x4096:Channel RGB - ColorMapChannel A - HeightMap for blending4 Ground tile texture (Diffuse Map) - resolution 4096x4096:Channel RGB - ColorMapChannel A - HeightMap for blending2 Water textures (Normal Map) - resolution 1024х1024.1 Demo SplatMap for location (RGB Map) - resolution 2048x2048.1 Demo SplatMap for ground shader preview (RGB Map) - resolution 512x512.3) Custom shaders (created in the shader graph, allowing you to easily make modifications):Water shader with displacement and depth effect using 2 colors and 2 normal maps.SplatMap and VertexColor shader previewGround shader in 6 variations to cover different goals and objectives:Blending textures through transparency using SplatMap and UVMap (Channel 2) to position the blend map.Blending textures through transparency with SplatMap and projection from above to position the blend map in relation to world space.Blending textures through transparency using VertexColor.Blending textures through heightmaps using SplatMap and UVMap (Channel 2) to position the blend map.Blending textures through heightmaps using SplatMap and projection from above to position the blend map in relation to world space.Blending textures through heightmaps using VertexColor.4) Scenes:1 Prefab Scene.1 Demo Scene Tile Objects.1 Demo Scene Merge Objects for final texturing.1 Demo Scene showing ground shader variations.