USA Real-World Heightmaps - Vol.1
Matei Ioan Alexandru
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Recreate in a few clicks, high quality and 4k resolution, real-world landscapes/terrains from USA (64 square km each heightmap).Are you planning to recreate high resolution real-world landscapes (terrains) from USA? If this is the case, then this pack is exactly what you are looking for. The pack contains 140 real-world heightmaps/landscapes from different USA states. Every heightmap is 4k resolution and is about 64 square km. Altogether, this pack contains more than 9000 square km of american landscape (terrain) from the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Louisiana. All landscapes preserve the real world scale. The heightmaps are 16 bit PNG greyscale textures, created from Digital Elevation Models (DEM) with 1 meter horizontal precision so they are perfect copies of the real landscapes (terrains) an d they are as accurate as can be with nowadays technologyThis pack is perfect to create very realistic outdoor environments. The landscapes are in fact so accurate that you can clearly see rivers, lakes, different types of errosion, man-made footpaths, roads etc.Using this pack is very easy and basically anyone should be able to use it if he/she follows the instructions found at Technical DetailsThe pack also comes with 6 example maps.Step by step instructions to import the landscapes into your level:1. Install the FREE package Terrain Tools2. Open the Terrain Toolbox3. In the Create New Terrain tab, change the default Total Terrain Width and Total Terrain Length to 8192 (so all the terrains in this pack have 8192 meters Width and Lenght which means every landscape has a surface area of about 64 square km). 4. In the Create New Terrain tab, change the Terrain Height with the correct height found in the name of every heightmap from this pack. (The name of every texture contains all the necessary instructions to correctly import the landscape into your scene. For example the heightmap USA_134_WL_8192_Height_81, tells you that the Width and Length of the landscape is 8192 and the Height is 81. So use the correct Width, Length and Height found inside the name of every heightmap and you will import a real world terrain which preserves the real world scale. 5. In the Create New Terrain tab, change the default Heightmap Resolution to 4097 (so all the heightmaps from this pack have a 4097 (4k) resolution)6. In the Create New Terrain tab, check Import Heightmap checkbox after that select the heightmap texture from this pack which you want to use as landscape/terrain7. Press Create! In a few secundes your real world terrain will be imported. Number of 16 bit, PNG Greyscale textures: 140All textures are 4097 X 4097 (4k)