This is a pathfinding tool for 2D grids using the A* algorithm. With this tool, you can save time and effort in developing your own pathfinding system and focus on other aspects of your project.This package provides a pathfinding solution for 2D grids using the A* algorithm. The package includes a set of scripts that can be easily integrated into a Unity project. The package is optimized for performance, making it efficient even for larger grids. It also includes documentation, demo scenes, and sample code, making it easier for you to learn and use in your projects. With this package, users can implement pathfinding in their 2D grid-based projects quickly and efficiently.Asynchronous pathfinding: The package provides an async method GeneratePath() that calculates the path asynchronously using the A* algorithm, which can be useful in avoiding blocking the main thread in Unity.Synchronous pathfinding: The package also provides a synchronous method GeneratePathSync() that calculates the path synchronously, which is suitable for cases where the blocking of the main thread is not an issue.Supports both boolean and float cost maps: The package supports two types of 2D maps: boolean maps that represent traversable/non-traversable tiles and float maps that represent the cost of traversing tiles.Supports both Euclidean and Manhattan distance heuristics: The package supports two types of heuristics to estimate the distance between the current node and the goal node: Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance.Returns a list of coordinates: The pathfinding methods return a list of (x,y) coordinates representing the path from the start to the goal.