UHFPS offers an extensive collection of assets, tools, and pre-built systems, allowing you to jump straight into developing your unique horror masterpiece.IMPORTANT: This kit is designed and tested to work with latest Unity 6.x and URP 17.x. Please note that older versions of Unity (such as 2022.x or 2021.x) are not supported and may result in errors or compatibility issues.Ultimate Horror FPS KIT (UHFPS) is an advanced and easy-to-use horror game template designed to help developers create their own immersive and spine-chilling horror games. This comprehensive toolkit comes packed with a wide range of essential features that are commonly seen in AAA horror games, enabling developers to create a truly terrifying gaming experience.Demo | Documentation | Website | Forum | YouTube | Discord | RoadmapThis version of the kit is compatible only with URP!For a list of features, see Technical Details🎮 Core Components:Cinemachine Player CameraExtensive Player ControllerTexture or Tag FootstepsProcedural HeadbobbingProcedural Motion ControllerPlayer LeaningWeight-Based Drag RigidbodyExamine ManagerPlayer Items ManagerExtensive State Machines🔦 Player Items:ThermometerEMF MeterCamcorderLighterCandleFlashlightLanternPistolPocket KnifeAxe🔧 Systems:Variable Inventory (RE Style)Localization SystemSave Game SystemObjectives SystemNarration SystemHiding SystemGame ManagerFloating IconsJumpscaresElevatorCutscenesRebindable InputOptions Builder🧩 Puzzles:Maze PuzzleElectric CircuitLockpickingFuseboxKeycardKeypadLevers ChainLevers OrderLevers StateNumber PadlockKey PadlockKeypad SafeDial Safe🚪 Dynamic Objects:Openable, Pullable, Switchable, RotableInteract Types & Dynamic States👻 Extras:Simple Zombie AIPlayer Timeline CutsceneCamera Timeline CutsceneUI Menus (Main, Pause, Loader)Ladder, Zipline, Pushable, Sliding StatePickups, Breakable Objects, Realistic VHS, CCTVInteractable Lights, Pressure Plate, Power GeneratorInterfaces, EventsAnd much more...⚙️ Integrations:Emerald AI 3.0AI TreeMeet and TalkAI has been used to create promotional images