Simple ghibli-inspired materials for use in various stylized environment grounds.PBR compatible texturesSimple ground materials inspired by Ghibli/Genshin Impact style. Covers grass fields, deserts and ocean environments. Each material has a full PBR texture set (color, roughness, normal, height and ambient occlusion).Material Pack contains:10 materials - 70 texturesEach material includes Base Color,2 Normal maps - DX and OpenGL versions, Roughness, Height, Ambient Occlusion and Mask map holding metallic, ambient, detail and roughness in RGBA channels for convenience use in HDRP pipeline shader.Clover fieldDesert pavementDesert sandDesert sand 2Dry desert soilDirtMudOcean sandGrass with rocksSnowy rock roadTextures are PNG 2048x2048 resolution and tile seamlessly horizontally and vertically