AT+MATERIALS V2 | On Demand PBR Materials and Skyboxes (BuiltIn/HDRP/URP)
Ambiens VR
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Instantly download +2800 on-demand PBR materials from the Unity Editor. Resolution from 2K to 16K.YT Channel | Discord Server | AT+Materials LITE versionAT+Materials lets you easily download CC0-licensed textures and automatically create high-quality materials for your rendering pipeline❓How does it work?No longer need to download an entire material library as a standalone package: AT+M allows you to choose what to download, selecting the resolution you prefer. As a result, your projects will contain only the assets you really need.✅HDRP and URP supportHDRI Haven Skyboxes support with automatic high-quality skyboxes selection for Built-In and URP (HDRP is WIP)With HDRP and URP support, you can easily import materials no matter your pipeline of choice.We added an automatic Mask Texture creation tool that automatically mixes RGBA channels to create perfect maps for HDRP Lit, URP Lit, and Standard shaders.✅Made to expand!The core of AT+M is the library. We selected the best CC0 resources around the web, ensuring the plugin communicates directly with each creator’s website.What you get:- ambientcg.com: 1900+ PBR materials- polyhaven.com/textures: 300+ PBR materials- polyhaven.com/hdris: 600+ HDRIs✅All assets are CC0We selected only assets ready to be used in your commercial projects: games, assets, archviz stuff, you name it.✅Perfect for Level DesignSay goodbye to the hassle of manually creating materials and textures, AT+Materials streamlines the process for you, making it easier and faster to bring your game or project to life. With a vast library of textures to choose from, you can easily find the perfect match for your project and create stunning visuals.✅The best is yet to comeInstead of ripping all the assets and packaging them into the plugin, we reached the designers behind those fantastic materials and sent them a Patreon donation for each download we get: buying the plugin now, you will not only get all textures on demand, but you will also support their work to get other awesome material in the future!⚠️AT+Materials is part of the ArchToolkit series, a list of Unity plugins made for designers and architects.- AT+VideoClip: create sharable videos of your scene in no time- AT+Explore: an easy-to-use, completely visual tool for multiplatform interactions- AT+Sync: synchronize your BIM model to UnityNot sure to buy AT+Materials yet? Try AT+Materials LITE!With AT+Materials, you download all the PBR Maps on demand. You will not fill your project with unwanted Assets. The plugin itself is only 6MB and It works on every render pipeline; It automatically mixes RGBA channels to create perfect maps for HDRP Lit, URP Lit, and Standard shaders.