Perfect Hotel is a simulation game TemplateAndroid DEMO | WebGL DEMORun your own Hotel. Build Rooms, Toilets, Elevators etc.Make money and open new Hotels!Features:2 unique Hotels.Room interrior upgrade.Hotel, Toilet, Elevator upgrade when level changed.Reception, Cleaner, Loader, Utility.Before purchasing the asset watch the video tutorials:How to add a new Hotel: Part1, Part2.How to add new Hud, replace Unit(Cleaner example).Discord | YouTube | Instagram | FacebookTo Play the game, additional plugins must be installed first.For full setup details, check the README file included in the project.Designed for mobile platforms. No sounds included.Mesh Polycounts.Triangles: from 10 to 2576.Textures.Atlas diffuse texture. Size: from 32x32 to 1024x1024.UI Images. Size: from 64x64 to 1024x1024.