Low Poly House Interiors package with more than 54 prefabs!You will be able to easily convert materials to other Render Pipelines standard shaders.54 pieces of furniture ready to be used for your games!This package includes a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. The package includes three color variations, and it's PSD file for you to customize the color palette yourself! URP Material: Three color palette variations and their source PSD file.MODELS LIST: Armchair Bed Bookshelves Cactus Carpet Carpet_rolled Clock Double_bed Drawers Lamp_1 Lamp_2 Lamp_table Ottoman Painting Puff Puff_2 Room_table_1 Room_table_2 Small_table_1 Sofa Tv table_1 Tv table_2 TV Wardrobe Bathroom cabinet Chair Countertable oven Countertable sink Countertable stove Countertable washing machineCountertable_1 Countertable_2 Countertable_3 Countertable_4 Cupboard Fridge_1 Fridge_2 Kitchen table Kitchen table_2 Microwave Mirror Rug Shower Sink Stool Toaster Toilet Toilet_paper Top shelves_1 Top shelves_2 Towel_holder Trashcan DoorDevelopment Render Pipeline: Built-In Rigged: No Animated: No Number of Furniture: 54 Number of Prefabs: 61 (Includes rooms and a house) Triangle Count: Approximately 200 - 3000 triangles depending on the object Number of Materials: 3 Texture Resolutions: 64x64