This pack contains 10 seamlessly loopable, light ambient tracks (16-bit, 44.1kHz wav files) and 26 minutes, 37 seconds of original music. Perfect for relaxing casual/puzzle games or simulators.A collection of light ambient tracks and celestial soundscapes made entirely with soft, delicate pads. Perfect for save rooms, loading screens, menu themes and credit scenes, and any game areas that are spacey, sacred, mystical, magical, peaceful, or otherworldly.TRACKLIST:The Welkin Ring (LOOP) [5:53]The Firmament (LOOP) [2:19]Sublime (LOOP) [2:40]Elysium (LOOP) [3:08]The Empyrean (LOOP) [1:18]Arcadia (LOOP) [2:43]Anima Mundi (LOOP) [2:51]Paradise (LOOP) [1:53]Aether (LOOP) [2:42]Celestial Oblivion (LOOP) [1:06]10 seamlessly loopable light ambient music tracks (16-bit, 44.1kHz wav files)