3D vampire character with ARKit facial blendshapes. Include 3 outfits.Humanoid rig with extra bones for hair and skirt52 ARKit facial blendshapes;Vampire fangs controlled with blendshapeNo custom shaders, all materials uses Unity's shaders;3 outfits (parts not interchangeable)Includes packages to automatically update the materials to HDRP and URPNo animations or scripts are included.The Built-in sample scene uses the Unity's Post Processing Stack v2 package;The HDRP sample uses Unity's HDRP hair shaderHumanoid rig with twist bonesExtra bones for hair and skirt motionMetallic PBR materialsTextures ranging from 512px to 2048pxTriangle count ranging from 28k to 38k depending on the outfitNo LODsIncludes packages to update the materials to HDRP and URP