Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021: Volumetric Clouds - Weather - Fog - Ocean
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Sky Master is a premium weather system for Unity, enjoy the most extensive Dynamic Sky, Weather, Volumetric Cloud - Lighting, Dynamic GI & Ocean solution for all platforms.The URP-HDRP remakes of the system (including Unity 6 URP RenderGraph) are available to all users of this package on request in Sky Master forum thread and a Personal Message in Unity forum or ARTnGame Discord with the invoice. The Betas are standalone projects and any prior Sky Master installation should be removed before installing them. Unity Post Processing Stack is required (BiRP version).Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 is a premium weather system for Unity, enjoy the most extensive Dynamic Sky, Weather, Volumetric Cloud - Lighting, Dynamic GI & Ocean solution, covering the vast majority of game and performance requirement scenarios.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTnGAME OFFER: Sky Master ULTIMATE upgrades directly to Environment Building Bundle with a discount for only $79!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sky Master ULTIMATE can be upgraded to Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 for $5!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The 2021 version includes everything in Sky Master ULTIMATE, with the addition of a Tornado and Global Snow & Rain systems and adapation to Unity 2021.3 LTS. The system requires the Unity Post Processing Stack to be installed from the package manager (for BiRP pipeline).The system is for Standard Pipeline and the URP and HDRP versions are available on personal message request with the invoice. Oceanis Standard Pipeline Beta v0.3f1 is also available for Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 on request.For support please visit the Sky Master Forum Thread or the ARTnGame Discord ChannelThe system includes industry level optimized Volumetric Clouds, Volumetric Lighting, an Ocean system, GI Proxy and optimized SEGI for real time Global Illumination and a physically based Sky Rendering system with atmospheric scattering.The Sky Manager provides automatic or on demand day/night cycle & smooth weather transitions.Create spectacular skies, dynamic clouds and weather systems, with time of day and seasonal changes. Use indirect lighting with Global Illumination Proxy system.The system has been created to deliver realistic Skies & Weather effects, with seasons and dynamic clouds, scalable depending on the hardware target.For details on mobile platform support for the various Sky Master v3.0 modules and demos for testing on Android, please contact me in the support email or the forum thread.Mobile APK demo for Android (v3.3)If you have any requests for new features or feedback and for Mobile demos, please visit the Unity forum thread.For support, contact me via [E-mail]More info on the official websiteFor chat, contact me via [Facebook]For tutorials & latest information, visit Sky Master forum.Tutorial VideosLatest tutorial video on project cleanup if needed and use of the 2 latest prefabs, plus enable of fly through mode and control of cloud bed curvature. The system requires the Unity Post Processing Stack to be installed from the package manager (for BiRP pipeline).The versions of the URP and HDRP complete remakes of the system are available to all users on request in Sky Master Unity forum thread and a Personal Message in Unity forum or ARTnGame Discord Channel with the invoice or order number. The Beta versions are separate standalone projects and any prior Sky Master installation should be removed before installing the URP or HDPR packages.The system is working in Multi Pass VR in the Standard Pipeline, it has not been tested in Single Pass modes. Also the URP and HDRP versions have not been fully tested and are not guaranteed to work on VR, some URP modules have been confirmed by users to work on Multi pass VR, but the system in general will not support officially VR going forward.Not all parts of the system is for every platform, so not all parts are guaranteed to work on Mobile, or WebGL or other special platforms like consoles. Windows is the official fully supported platform where everything is tested and submitted from.(*) Note that Ethereal core, which includes the complete Ethereal functionality, is included in the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta, currently available through Google Drive download to all Sky Master ULTIMATE users. The Ethereal standalone asset has an extra library of Forest assets and demos and many more demo scenes for reference, so an upgrade path is offered if those extra demos and URP forest assets and foliage shaders are needed.Currently Sky Master ULTIMATE UPR Version 26 (Unity 2022.3), URP beta 27 (Unity 6) and HDRP Version 16 are available to all Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 (Standard Pipeline system) users for download in Google Drive (October 2024 releases). Please provide the invoice or order number in a personal message to be eligible for the Beta phase of the new URP and HDRP upcoming assets. Also the asset must have been downloaded to enter any of the Betas, not need to install it or download whole, only start the downloaded. InfiniGRASS URP Version 2.0 and Oceanis Standard Pipeline Beta v0.3f1 are also available.All assets offcially support the Unity LTS versions cycle they have been uploaded to store with. Currently Unity 6 new URP Render Graph pipeline is supported throughthe latest pipeline based releases. Note that the new URP Render Graph pipeline is a totally new and different pipeline than the normal URP, so all effects had to be re-written from scratch for the new platform.Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 additional features- New dynamic Tornado and lightning systems- Advanced Global Snow & Rain system as image effect.The system offers shadows support, by layer application to selected objects, screen space rain integration, rain drop ripples and dripping on object surface and snow bump mapping.Standard Pipeline (Video 1) - (Video 2)Universal Pipeline Beta (To be included in Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta v26) (Video 1) - (Video 2)- Adapatation to Unity 2021.3 LTSSky Master ULTIMATE features- Biomes system, triggered by splat map features or region center points- Volumetric evolving clouds with atmospheric light scatter and fogging- Gradient and Curve based coloration and parameter adjustment system for easy and powerful sky, cloud and fog control- Five types of volumetric clouds, including vortex feature- Volume cloud shaping feature, for customized cloud formations- Volumetric lighting system for sun shafts on any sun direction with light scatter- Multiple water features including embedded fogging in water shader- Caustics and underwater rendering- Global configurator system, for increased usability- Rainbow system for rainy weather- Volcano Special FX- Shuriken based Volumetric Particle clouds- Support for Relief Terrain Pack (RTP) asset snow and water-rain on land features- Weather event system, including weather scheduling and looping- Support for Infinite terrains with player follow system- Support for InfiniGRASS v2.0- Moon positioning, fading & phases system with accurate lighting from sun, based on latitude/longitude and TOD- Galaxy system, with dynamic stars- Eclipses handling, dynamic eclipse controls- Complete mobile demo scene- River flow shader- Mobile water (supports toon texture, reflection, transparency, foam & shore FX, specular, fresnel control, local waves & interaction with player, gerstner waves, optimized performance)- Local water waves controlsOcean - Water system with focus on mobile and performance- Spectacular & performant bodies of water- Underwater emulation (fog, caustics, sun beams, transition works from water level)- Reflection and refraction- Foam and shore lines- Presets (e.g. Ocean, River, Lake, Atoll)- Extremely fast GPU based solution- Wave height calculation & floating objects- Point light support- Local waves & ripplesVolumetric Particle clouds- Fade in/out system- Shader with scatter effect for realism- Vertical formation option- Point light interaction for volumetric lightning- Smooth cloud motion & wind emulation- Particle rotation stabilization system on Camera rollDynamic lightning system, with branches & glow effectMoon phasesLatitude / Longitude based Sun PositioningSnow System- Snow & mud puddle shader, for meshes and Unity terrain, SM2.0-3.0 support- Gradual snow coverage & melt away- Integration with InfiniGRASS asset, Unity & SpeedTree trees-billboards, meshes.Liquids- Water drops on camera shader, with refraction & water drop motion- Screen freeze effect integrated in the shaderVolume Lit particles- Particle shader that receives light (directional & point/spot light)Shader Based Cloud Dome for emulation of higher cloudsSky Master Editor - Configurator - Library- Global configurator for easy sky-ocean creation & control of Sky Master systems- Particle scaler- Library with ready to use sky, water & cloud presetsVolume Weather- Volume Weather module that uses the volumetric clouds & fog for realistic weather effects.- Refractive rain & splashes- Weather events systemAirplane - Boat - Atoll demos/mini games- Volumetric fog image effect, for spectacular atmospheric effects, with precision gradient color control- Centralized Volumetric fog and sun beams control with preset system, for easy access to various settings.- Speed Tree integration and seasonal color control of Unity terrain placed trees- Special effects like chain lightning, Refractive lit rain, ice spreading, flocks- Moon rendering controls and presets- Preset samples for sky rendering, fog and clouds, ready to use directly in game- REAL SKY - Physically based atmospheric scattering, for realistic sky rendering & Artistic special effects.- REAL CLOUDS - Dynamic cloud formations, affected by season and wind. Volumetric particle clouds & fog.- REAL SUN RAYS - Dynamic sun beams, with smooth transitions & occlusion system.- REAL WEATHER - Seasonal control of weather effects, with smooth transitions- REAL STORM - Heavy storm simulation, with dynamic cloud fronts, lightning & lighting effects- REAL TORNADO - Dynamic controllable tornadoes- REAL FREEZE - with Ice system, for ice spreading, propagation and stick to objects.- REAL VOLCANO -realistic volcanic eruption, smoke & lava flow.- REAL LIGHTING - Real time Global Illumination for indirect lighting.The framework is written in C# code and the source code is provided. The GI Proxy asset is bundled in the pack.