The Stats add-on enables easy tracking of player progression as well as achievements and value modifiers.⚠️ This is an add-on for Databrain and requires Databrain to function ⚠️➡️ Databrain-> Website-> Documentation-> Discord⭐️ ProgressionCreate progression curves for your player or for any other item such as weapons, etc. Use the batch import functionality to easily add icons for each level.⭐️ AchievementsEasily define achievements in the editor and set the stats needed to unlock them.⭐️ Values & ModifiersModifiers can modify a base value by a certain value and modification type. For example, use timed modifiers if you want to just modify your player’s moving speed value for a few seconds.⭐️ EventsAssign events for each stats event such as OnLevelUp, OnAchievementUnlocked, etc.⭐️ DemoThe Stats add-on comes with a simple demo scene which shows you all of its functionalities.