Intoducing the Retro Game SFX MegaPack for unity!Introducing the Retro Game SFX pack for Unity!This pack is perfect for game developers who want to add an 8-Bit vibe to their games. With over 500 high-quality sound effects inspired by classic video games and movies from the 80s and 90s, you'll be able to create a truly immersive retro experience for your players. From laser blasts to explosions, and power-ups to enemy death sounds, this pack has everything you need to bring your game to life.What is this pack?💻This pack features 512 high quality retro game sound effects!512 High quality retro game sound effectsDeath SoundsExplosionsAlarmsButtonsCoinsImpactsMenu SoundsBleepsInteractionsMovement soundsLadder climbingStairs climbingFalling soundsFootstepsJumping and landingDoorsPortals and transitionsVehiclesWeaponsAnd more!Audio file types: .WAVSample rate 44.100HzLoopable: NoAdditional: Stereo