This is the second series of "Sci-Fi-style particle effects" composed of particle systems.
Very useful if you want to add some sci-fi look to your project.This is the second installment of "Sci-Fi Particle Systems".It can be used when:・When you want to easily create SF-like expressions.・As part of the expression of the original game・As part of Unity's visual expressionThis particle system consists of Unity's standard "ParticleSystem" component, and Unity's standard Additive shader and Alphablend shader.Particle system settings are a bit complicated, but the system itself is very simple and very easy to use.Basically, it works in any environment where Unity works. You can use this particle system on iOS, Android, Mac, WebGL builds, etc.The possibilities of particle systems are endless!Let's particle system!!(*It is recommended to import Unity Official After PostProcessingStack v2 in advance. Even if you don't import it, the appearance will change, but the behavior will not be affected.)【How to use】A demo scene is available at YORIMIYASTUDIO/ParticleUI Ver2/Demo/ParticleUI Ver.2.unity. You can see the parts of the Particle by referring to it.Prefab is in YORIMIYASTUDIO/ParticleUI Ver2/Prefab folder*You can freely change the particles. By referring to each Prefab, you can freely change the numerical value of each component, curve, etc., and create your own original particle system. At that time, we cannot answer questions about the particle system or how to modify it. note that.【Demo】YORIMIYASTUDIO/ParticleUI Ver2/Demo/ParticleUI Ver.2.unity【fbx folder】・15 fbx for particles【Texture folder】・YORIMIYA STUDIO.png(for TextureSheetAnimation)【Prefab folder】・ParticleUI[Ver.2]Original.prefab・ParticleUI[Ver.2]Red.prefab・ParticleUI[Ver.2]Pink.prefab・ParticleUI[Ver.2]Purple.prefab・ParticleUI[Ver.2]Blue.prefab・ParticleUI[Ver.2]Green.prefab・Particle UI [Ver.2] Yellow.prefab--Parts--・Particle UI [Ver.2] Original-Parts-・Particle UI [Ver.2] Red-Parts-・Particle UI [Ver.2] Pink-Parts-・ParticleUI[Ver.2]Purple-Parts-・Particle UI [Ver.2] Blue-Parts-・Particle UI [Ver.2] Green-Parts-・Particle UI [Ver.2] Yellow-Parts-【Material folder】・7 materials for particles【Animation folder】・1 animation to stabilize the particles