-1050 SFX in total-Ambience Forest, Wind, Grassland, Furnace, Rain, River-DroneMysterious, Dark, Icey, Holy, Space-FootstepsForest, Mud, Snow,Ice, Dirt, Water-UIClick, Movement, Drag, Drop, Denied, Confirm, Cancel, Up, Down, Negative, Positive-Whoosh Swoosh-Cinematic Hits-Emote-SlimeYou can view the entire sound list🔈View Sound ListAudio file types: .Wav Sample rate: 44,100Hz Sample RateBit depth: 320Kbps Bit rateAdditional: Stereo and monoDo Sound Fx Loop: have loopable sound like ambient soundWindows and Mac:YesSupport Dev Platarform: Yes-Dynamic sound-Well ogranized