Rugged Shapes is part of the StampIT! Collection, a set of high resolution 4K heightmap stamps and brushes which can be used to stamp features and entire heightmaps on the Unity terrain.The package consists of textures which can be used in any pipeline or environment that supports heightmap textures.Rugged Shapes as part of the StampIT! Collection consists of 25 high quality textures in stunning 4K resolution. These heightmap textures can be used as brushes with the Unity terrain tools in order to paint features on your Unity terrain. Or you could use these heightmap textures in other assets like MicroVerse, Atlas, Gaia, Map Magic 2, Vista, etc.The asset consists of the heightmaps and the brush presets, the terrain textures are not included.You can see a preview of the Stamps in the Package Content tab.Free UpdateI was asked to create more Rugged Rocks stamps like Shapes. So here they are. If you own my Rugged Rocks asset you'll get this asset as a free update for a limited time.MicroVerse CompatibilityThis collection of heightmaps is compatible with MicroVerse and contains presets which allow you to conveniently drag the height stamps into MicroVerse directly from the Content Browser.StampingStamping features on the terrain is a process which is supported by Unity out of the box. Simply put stamping is blending of various textures with each other. This process has been existing for a very long time and has been used in various applications, most notably image processing applications like Photoshop, Krita, Gimp, you name it.Unity provides a very convenient means to blend those images together with their built-in terrain tools. The Unity terrain tools provide an editor with a brush preview which allows you to adjust a stamp in detail before you apply it.For an even better experience the free Unity Terrain Tools package which can be installed in addition to the built-in tools via Package Manager is an excellent choice. It extends the terrain tools palette with even more tools which allow you to fine tune your stamped terrain to achieve the look of your personal artistic preference.World CreatorIn case you need complete terrains imported into Unity including textures, then the awesome World Creator is a preferred application. Highly recommended!In order to learn more about the brushes please visit the official Unity documentation about Brushes and in particular the information about Stamping.