【パブリッシャー丸ごとセール第101弾】9月6日 0:00 〜 9月12日(木) 23:59まで
Archanor VFXのアセット50%オフ
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『Super Confetti FX』$11 => FREE(9月12日 23:59まで無料)
【September Surprise sale】⏰️ 9月5日 〜 9月18日 23:59まで NEW!!
9月のサプライズセールが始まりました🎉 ゲーム開発に役立つ200以上のアセットが50%オフ
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※ 有効期限:2024年9月30日まで、複数回利用可能、セール品以外にも使えます
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UE→Unity変換アセット所有者にオススメ「Exporter for Unreal to Unity 2024」
『GAME CREATOR MEGA BUNDLE』 ⏰️ 9月11日(水) 3時まで
『LEARN TO CREATE GAME ART IN BLENDER 2024』 ⏰️ 9月24日(火) 3時まで
Create your Mobile and PC Helicopter games easily! Complete Package with Enemy AI, Weapons, FPS and TPS Camera, Radar System, Collapsible Buildings and Power ups. Supports both Mobile and PC platformsYou can create any type of Helicopter game with this package for High Quality PC platforms or Mobile platforms such as Android or IOS.It supports and has both TPS (Third Person Shooter) and FPS (First Person Shooter – In Cockpit) mode.This is a complete package for your Helicopter game. It has lots of features listed below:Weapons (Machine Gun and Missile Launcher): You have two types of weapons. Machine Gun and Missile Launcher. Both of them are well documented and easy to customize.Enemy AI: Enemy Air Defense Vehicle has got EnemyAI script. You can use default Enemy Prefab or create your own Enemies by using this EnemyAI script. You can set enemies’ properties Health, Range, Firing Interval and Accuracy (how good they will attack). Enemy AI can patrol! Enemies can move and attack to you at the sametime.Collectable Power Ups: There are two different prefabs as Collectable in the game. These are Collectable_Gas and Collectable_Ammo. You can set the amount of Gasoline for collecting. Or you can configure the type of Ammo (Machinegun or Missile) and the amount of Ammo for collecting by configuring Collactable Type and Amount on Inspector.Collapsible Buildings: Collapsible items are houses. You can check the House prefab and copy the same Rigidbody and Collider structure for creating your own Collapsible objects. Helicopter’s Machine Gun and Missile weapons are able to hit and collapse these objects. It is very satisfactory for your game.Radar System: Radar System is very useful component in order to check the objects around us and the distance between them and our Helicopter. You can create your own Radar object by assigning RadarItem script on the object. There are 4 types of object which we can see on the Radar. These are: Rocks, Collectable Items, Buildings, Enemies. You can configure the Radar Sensivity Distance and the object types by this Radar System script on Radar Logic object.Gasoline Consumption: There is a Gasoline Consumption Component in the package. The Helicopter Motor is consuming gasoline while it is flying.Create your Mobile and PC Helicopter games easily! Complete Package with Enemy AI, Weapons, FPS and TPS Camera, Radar System, Collapsible Buildings and Power ups. Supports both Mobile and PC platforms.You can replace the helicopter model with yours easily and you can replace the enemy props as well. Everything in the package is set as prefab and ready to use.You can create any type of Helicopter game with this package for High Quality PC platforms or Mobile platforms such as Android or IOS.It supports and has both TPS (Third Person Shooter) and FPS (First Person Shooter – In Cockpit) mode.This is a complete package for your Helicopter game. It has lots of features listed below:Weapons (Machine Gun and Missile Launcher): You have two types of weapons. Machine Gun and Missile Launcher. Both of them are well documented and easy to customize.Enemy AI: Enemy Air Defense Vehicle has got EnemyAI script. You can use default Enemy Prefab or create your own Enemies by using this EnemyAI script. You can set enemies’ properties Health, Range, Firing Interval and Accuracy (how good they will attack). Enemy AI can patrol! Enemies can move and attack to you at the sametime.Collectable Power Ups: There are two different prefabs as Collectable in the game. These are Collectable_Gas and Collectable_Ammo. You can set the amount of Gasoline for collecting. Or you can configure the type of Ammo (Machinegun or Missile) and the amount of Ammo for collecting by configuring Collactable Type and Amount on Inspector.Collapsible Buildings: Collapsible items are houses. You can check the House prefab and copy the same Rigidbody and Collider structure for creating your own Collapsible objects. Helicopter’s Machine Gun and Missile weapons are able to hit and collapse these objects. It is very satisfactory for your game.Radar System: Radar System is very useful component in order to check the objects around us and the distance between them and our Helicopter. You can create your own Radar object by assigning RadarItem script on the object. There are 4 types of object which we can see on the Radar. These are: Rocks, Collectable Items, Buildings, Enemies. You can configure the Radar Sensivity Distance and the object types by this Radar System script on Radar Logic object.Gasoline Consumption: There is a Gasoline Consumption Component in the package. The Helicopter Motor is consuming gasoline while it is flying.Create your Mobile and PC Helicopter games easily! Complete Package with Enemy AI, Weapons, FPS and TPS Camera, Radar System, Collapsible Buildings and Power ups. Supports both Mobile and PC platforms.
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