Directed Navigation provides extended flexibility for adjusting ui navigation and in same time make adjusting simple and fast. Makes ui navigation transitions logically correct and predictable.Directed Navigation provides extended flexibility for adjusting ui navigation and in same time make adjusting simple and fast. It has improved automatic mode, multiple extended modes and also provides the ability to control navigation in four directions separately (Left, Right, Up, Down). Each side of interactive element can be configured in follow ways:Disabled - no navigation in this direction;Automatic - automatic mode, like standard, but with improved, more predictable algorithm. Also support fine tuning according user needs;Sector - automatic mode with working area limited by sector;Rectangle - automatic mode with working area limited by rectangle;RectTransform - automatic mode with working area limited by bounds of RectTransform component of another GameObject;Selectable List - automatic mode with user defined elements. Aka ‘Explicit’, but with the possibility to add multiple objects.From usage point of view it is a component, which is added to any GameObject which has component inherited from Selectable - Button, Toggle, Slider etc.It also includes a component DirectedNavigationGrid for creating grids with various Wrap Around transitions types.Documentation: https://ievo.games/uGUIDirectedNavigation/Downloads/uGUI_Directed_Navigation.pdfPure C#. As a result, support any platform.Compatible with Unity 2019.4 and above.