Create randomly generated Fighter Aircraft.For procedurally randomly generating Fighter Aircraft objects at run time from a single seed, including textures and weapons.Optionally generate textures seperately for performance.Perfect for games that require dozens of unique, modern, interesting looking fighter aircraft with minimal effort.Generates many different engine, body and wing configurations, including: Flying Wing, Delta Wing, Variable Sweep Wing, Boom Tail and Forward Swept Wings.Contains 4 sample scenes:Simple generation on key press.Basic cinematic scene demonstrating positioning and vfx attachment.Showing duplication and sharing textures between instances.Demonstrating overriding the random functions.Models have between 2k and 4k verts,1x 1k texture for the main color,3x 512 textures for canopy, detail and panel textures,4x 32x512 textures for weapons3x child objects, and optionally many more depending on the number of wings, weapons and engines.materials and shaders